Katie Kaufman Rogers
Sociologist / Critical Criminologist
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Shannon Malone Gonzalez, Samantha J. Simon, and Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2022. “The Diversity Officer: Police Officers’ and Black Women Civilians’ Epistemologies of Race and Racism in Policing." Law & Society Review 56(3):477-499.
Honorable Mention: ASA Section on Racial & Ethnic Minorities Graduate Student Paper Award
Under Review
​Katie Kaufman Rogers. “Weeded Out: An Intersectional Analysis of Inequity in the U.S. Cannabis Industry.”
Winner: ASA Section on Racial & Ethnic Minorities Grad Student Paper Award
Honorable Mention: ASA Section on Race, Gender & Class Grad Student Paper Award
Katie Kaufman Rogers. “Healers, Not Dealers: Symbolic Boundary Work in Legal Weed.”
Winner: ASA Section on Drugs & Society Graduate Student Paper Award
Winner: Sociologists for Women in Society Cheryl Allyn Miller Award (for research on work)
Book Chapters in Edited Volumes
Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2021. “Changing the Face of the Stoner: Images of Race and Gender in Cannabis Legalization Campaigns in the United States.” Pp. 314–322 in The Routledge Handbook of Post-Prohibition Cannabis Research, edited by D. Corva and J. S. Meisel. New York: Routledge.
Books on Pedagogy
Katie Rogers and Julia Simms. 2015. Teaching Argumentation: Activities and Games for the Classroom. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research.
Robert J. Marzano, Katie Rogers, and Julia Simms. 2015. Vocabulary for the New Science Standards. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research.
Other Writing
Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2024. “Book Review of Taylor, Suzanne, Remedicalizing Cannabis: Science, Industry, and Drug Policy.” H-Sci-Med-Tech, H-Net Reviews (October).
Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2020. “On Corporate #BlackLivesMatter Statements.” Racism Review, June 27.
Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2016. “When White Men Can Dance: Race, Masculinity, and Jock Insurance.” UT Austin Graduate Sociology Blog, January 24.
Katie Kaufman Rogers. 2015. “SXSW, #GamerGate, and Gendered Boundary Policing.” UT Austin Graduate Sociology Blog, November 3.